Master Closet: “Sex and the City” Style
We all have our thing. For some it’s buying high quality food from Whole Foods and farmer’s markets. For others it’s art + rugs (it me!). And for others, it’s their wardrobe. I know rather confidently that this client qualifies for the last category: wardrobe. Over the years she has accumulated an incredible ensemble of beautiful pieces of clothing, shoes and purses. Think: Sarah Jessica Parker. And like Sarah Jessica Parker in the first Sex and the City movie, this client needed a closet fit for her collection. A little reach-in closet in the bedroom wasn’t cutting it.
Luckily for her, there was an unfinished attic over the garage just beyond their bedroom. Of course, her wheels were already turning when I arrived to the first appointment. She had a vision for finishing that attic space – it was just our job to figure out exactly how to lay it out and execute.

We also tackled their master bathroom – but it’s so good I’m saving it for its own special blog post Today let’s just drool over the closet. Our proposed plan: reclaim the attic over the garage to be Closet numero uno. And still keep the original 2 reach-in closets in the bedroom. The husband would keep one. And depending on how much we could fit in the main closet, she might just keep the other as back up! With the floorplan settled, we moved into elevations.
Followed by some renderings…the renderings were a little lifeless but their purpose was to get a general idea of how the ceiling lines would fall. We’d add the life through some pretty carpet, sconces, hardware and of course: the wardrobe itself would steal the show!! Renderings – as helpful as they can be – are a poor substitute for the real thing though. Turned out even better than we planned.

A Bathroom Nothing Short of Custom
Move the Master!
A “Step” Up in this Mission Hills Master Bathroom